Bargenny Twasome

A Duet Step Dance

Music: Bargenny Bowling Green (6/8 in 4 parts, played AABBCCDD twice) (abc version). Recorded by Capercaillie as the first tune in the "Maggie's Megaset" set on their album "Cascade".

Abbreviations: M = man; W = woman; RF= right foot; LF = left foot

First Step:

Bars 1-2: Disassemble onto LF pointing RP in 3rd (1), hop LF extending RF to 2nd aerial and spring RF displacing LF to 2nd aerial (&2), hop RF taking LF to 3rd rear aerial (3), step onto heel of LF toward 2nd position and close RF to 5th rear (&4)

3-4: Repeat Bar 1 contra (5 &6), then make 1/8 turn to right and hopping LF execute 2 brushes with RF to 4th aerial (7, 8)
5-8: Break A = pas de basque on RF (1 & 2), assemble LF in 5th then spread-change to RF in 5th (3 &4), disassemble onto LF taking RF to 3rd rear aerial and step onto RF in 5th rear [as in retiré skip] (&5), step LF to 4th int. and close RF to 5th rear (&6), dance 2 retiré skips hopping RF, LF (&7 &8) to finish with weight on RF
Arms: Bars 1-3 = nearer hands joined; Bar4 = circling as in Seann Truibhas; Bars 5-7 = 1st position (W on skirt); Bar 8 = 3rd position circling outwards and down
9-16: Repeat contra

Second Step:

Bars 1-2: W runs to R, i.e. spring RF to 2nd, close LF to 5th rear, step RF to 2nd, close LF in 5th taking RF to 3rd rear aerial (1 & a 2), while M executes 2 shuffles springing RF, LF (1& 2&); then W steps RF to 2nd taking LF to 3rd rear aerial, and steps LF to 2nd taking RF to 3rd rear aerial making one complete turn to R (3,4), while M runs to R as above except finishing with close LF to 5th rear (3 & a 4)
3-4: Both repeat Bar 1(5 & a 6); then M repeats Bar 2 (7 & a 8) while W dances 2 retiré skips hopping LF, RF (&7 &8)
Arms: W on skirt, M in 1st position
5-8: Break A except on Bar 7 W crosses over to other side of M turning by L, while M steps LF to 3rd crossed instead of 4th int.
Arms: Nearer hands joined (changing on Bar 7 to assist W's turn)
9-16: Repeat contra

Third Step:

Bars 1-4: Hop LF executing high cut in front with RF (1&), hop LF extending RF to 4th mt. aerial (2), pas de basque RF finishing with LF in 4th int. aerial (3 & 4), hop RF (5), brush LF into 3rd aerial low (&), step onto LF in 5th (a), shuffle RF (6 &), execute a ball-change with RF on 5th (a 7), hop LF taking RF to 3rd rear aerial and stepping onto RF in 5th rear (&8)
5-6: Repeat Bars 1-2 contra
7-8: Break B = assemble RF in 5th then spread-change to LF in 5th (5 &6), execute 2 retiré skips hopping RF, LF (&7 &8)
Arms: Bar 1 = 2nd position; Bar 2-4=1st position (W on skirt); Bar 5 = 2nd position; Bar 6 = 1st position (W on skirt); Bar 7-8 = nearer hands joined
9-16: Repeat contra

Fourth Step:

Bars 1-2: Dance hop and travel to R (1 &2); hop LF then bourree derriere making a complete turn to R and finishing with LF in front (&3 &4)
3-4: Dance hop and travel to L (5 &6), finishing with LF extended to 2nd aerial, then bourree derriere travelling to R (7 &8)
5-8: Break A
Arms: Nearer hands joined whenever possible
9-16: Repeat contra
To Finish: On Bar 16 replace retiré skips by an entrechat with RF in 5th (& a 7), then step LF toward 4th rear int. and point RF in 4th int. (8)
Arms: Nearer hands joined (5, 6), 1st position (W on skirt) (7, 8)

Devised by Pat MacPherson and Robert McOwen.

There is also a snapshot of the original instructions: page 1 and page 2.

Last modified 8-10-02 .

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